3DEXPERIENCE Parametric Optimization: The Ultimate Tool for Data-Driven Design - Noor Artificiel


3DEXPERIENCE Parametric Optimization: The Ultimate Tool for Data-Driven Design

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 As a SOLIDWORKS or CATIA company, making the correct design decisions while juggling a stack of competing requirements is hard. Luckily, There's a cloud-powered design optimization tool to exhaustively and realistically simulate thousands of variants at once, ensuring your product is the best it can be : The Multidisciplinartyt Optimization Engineer rol on the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform.


Multidisciplinary Optimization Engineer is a 3DEXPERIENCE role (i.e., a software toolkit consistinf of several apps) that accomplishes manu design optimization tasks by working in conjunction with your simulation sover and CAD data. It can : 
  • Represent complex design spaces by parameterizing model variables to automatically generate thousands of individual anlyses from a single simulation.
  • Allow the software to redesign and simulate your part in real-time to achieve perforlance goals.
  • Understand desihn spaces through tools such as design of experilents and MONTE carlo algorithms.
  • Utilize advanced anlytics to conduct trade-of analyses on simulation data sets to make decisions on performance vs feasibility vs affordability, etc.
  • Increase productivity and allow non-experts to run complex simulations by creating templated simulation processes.
  • Conduct collaborative decision making on simulation studies in simple dashboard interfaces.
  • All powered by tools and data you are already familiar with :
  2. Desktop design & simulation (SOLIDWORKS, Abaqus, CST Studio Suite, etc.)
  3. Popular third-party tools (Exel, MATLAB, etc.)


With 3DEXPERIENCE Multidisciplinary Optimization Engineer, you can generate and evaluate an entire design space with a single simulation. There is a procedure to follow involving different apps within the toolkit at every step (we'll go through the single simulation. There is a procedure to follow involving different apps within the toolkit at every step (we'll go through the major pieces).


Process Composer is the core application 3DEXPERIENCE Multidisciplinary Optimization Engineer arsenal. This tool connects to data and analytical software to conduct parametric design optimizations. This means that the software can adjust different parameters of the simulation in real-time, update the model, and re-run the analysis until a goal is met.
These paramerers could be any modifiable geometric parameter (radii, thickness, height, etc.), material choices, weld patterns, etc. The goals cold be one or more things, such as minimizing weight while maximizing stiffness. Even complex goals such as data matching load deflection curves or shape profiles are possible.


Process Composer can also evaluate the entirety of a design space by adjusting all the values per the requirements of a design of experiments. This will allow the user to see the influence factors of all of the modified variables to understand how they all drive performance.
With the process composer app, you can : 
  • Interact with a graphical representation of your process and the adapters (cannected applicatios) that form the building blocks of the workflow.
  • Configure the execution of an adapter and the data that passes between adapters.
  • Configure the relationship between the adapter (for example, the order in which they run and conditional branching).
  • Define the data sources and the data dependencies in the process.
  • Manage contralized data storage that any user connected to the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform can access.
  • Interact with other apps to deploy modeling and simulation best practices to be repeatable, reusable, and accessible.

Available approximation techniques :

  • Response Surface Model (RSM)
  • Latent Variable Gaussian Process model (LVGP)
  • Radial basis Function (RBF)
  • Universal Kriging
  • Scikit-learn Elastic Net RegressionScikit-learn Lasso Regression
  • Scikit-learn Random Forest Regression
  • XGBoost- Extreme Gradient Boosting
Available DOE techniques :

  • Adaptive DOE Technique
  • Box-Behnken Technique
  • Central Composite Design Technique
  • Data File Technique
  • Fractional Facrorial Design Technique
  • Full-Factorial Design Technique
  • Latin Hypercube Technique
  • Optimal Latin Hypercube Technique
  • Orthogonal Arrays Technique
  • Parameter Scan Technique
  • Sobol Squence Technique
Available reliability techniques :

  • First Order Reliability Method (FORM)
  • Importance Samplo,g Method
  • Mean Value Method
  • Second Order Reliability Method (SORM)
Available optimization techniques :


Once you have generated hundreds or thousands of simulation results, it can be overwhelming trying to make a decision based on that data.
3DEXPERIENCE Multidisciplinary Optimization Engineer provides two tools to help users navigate this space : Results Analytics and Performance Trade-Off.
The Result Analytics app is geared toward large data sets, while the Performance Trade-Off works best for data sets under 50 data points. Both offer a variety of plotting and data metrics tools to make that decision process seamless.


With the results Analytics app, you can :
  • Visualize and compare large datra sets from various sources, such as simulations, physical tests, and historical record.
  • Conduct trad-off analyses, such as studying the effects of trading combinations of performance, producibility, and cost.
  • analyze design alternatives generated by a simulation process created in Process Composer.
  • Define requirements and select the best option or alternatice from a large data set using feasibility assessments and ranking engines.
  • Create and share predictions using continuous approximztion.
  • Retain knowledge, decision history, and reference materials.


With the Performance Trade-Off app, you can :
  • Visualize and compare data from various sources (for example, competing designs of an airframe rib).
  • Analyze design alternatives generated by a simulation process created using the Process Composer app0.
  • Define requirements (for example, define the maximum weight and peak stresses of the rib).
  • Given the requirements, select the best alternative (for example, the best alternative might be a compromise beween competing requirements, such as strength and weight).
  • Compare how change to the requirements affect which design becomes the best alternative (for example, which option is the best of you rank the weight requirements as more important than the strenght requirements).
  • Improve decisions by capturing unput and feedback from stakeholders.


Now that you have successfully developed and executed a simulation, process in one use case, maybe you want to package it up so others can use it in their own projects, By making your simulation process automated, standardized, and repeatable for others on the ream, you can uimprove the quelity of designers work without creating repetitive labor for yourself.


The Process Experience Studio app can be used to create simulation templates. These templates can then be deployed into production or further developed using different subsequent apps.

With the Process Experience Studio app, you can :
  • Create a template based on simulation processes.
  • Capture company-wide simulation best practices and make them available to other users.
  • Have a variely of controls to create fraphic, text, valie, and logical elements used to drive an analysis on the backend.


With the Performence Study app, any authorized user can take a template and conduct simulation with a controlled set of variables accessible to thel, thereby gathering valuable information for design decision making.
With the Performence Study app, you can :
  • Instantial the template to run a new simulation process.
  • Modify attributes of the resulting simulation process.
  • Run The simulation process.
  • Make Noor-Artificiel decisions based on the results or madify the process and rerun.


For less established workflows there is the Simulation Companion, which gives access to data management tools to capture simulation processes that are still un development dor future use. You might not even know which simulation tools to use. However, you know that you want to use data (such as CAD models and material data) from a company-wide repository and save the result of your simulation in that same repository.

In addition, you might need to access local data while you iterate simulations. Uour primary focus is to obtain an acceptable solution as quickly as possible, but traditional data and process management tools do not meet the efficiency and flexibility needs of your provisional simulations.

With the Simulation Companion app, you can :
  • Work with a combination of data and predefined tools in an arbitrary or ad hoc fashion.
  • Use your tools in any sequence while placing the right data in the right location at the right time.
  • Capture your expert knowledge as you work toward a solution and prepare the groundwork for deploying your simulation in a more conrolled, production envirenment.

3DEXPERIENCE Multidisciplinary Optimization Engineer is an extraordinary and open-ended toolkit for integrating simulation deeply into design processes at scale. It provides an impressive package of design space exploration techniques in combination with user-friendly templating, result review, and collaboration tools.
Empower your designers and engineers to make data-based decisions and mawimize your usage of your simulation software with multidisciplinary optimization on the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform !


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