How To Creatèe a perfect blog who will generate you lifetime passive income - Noor Artificiel


How To Creatèe a perfect blog who will generate you lifetime passive income

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 How To Creatèe a perfect blog who will generate you lifetime passive income

  Hi, I hope youy will bring something more to your blog thanks to this Book, and I would be very grateful if you offer me a minute of your time, how much I know, very precious in order to follow this link and write a little comment and rate this Book on Amazon, so that I can update it so that other readers can find it and benefit from it too Thank you from the heart and good luck

 I heard this sentence at anthony Hopkins, in a movie, I can't remember the title, sorry, this isthe one where they fight him and his friends with a man-eating bear after a plane crash "Everything a man can bdo, another man could do it too" Also valid for women, of course and at the same time, dozens of blogger post their earnings on Youtube, that's when I Knew I wesn't wouldn't stay away : So I went on an adventure ...

At that time, I had no job, internet access with poor speed (30kb/s), no computer, just a Wiko Smartphone almost unusable... and not even an online account, or how that it all works !!!

I created a youtube channel on apps, and some time more later, I knew what a Blog is, and as you will guess on, I created one for free on Blogger and it is still there (Blogautop). Believe me, I believed before that you have to be I don't know who to have A !!!!

I tell you all this so that you know that creating a Blog is accessible to everyone, provided they really want it, that he traces his objectives, finds his theme, his products to promote and some free time what to love your bross, you're tired of her give orders ?   one Click and let's Go
