[Day 5] Want to get more traffic? Start thinking like your audience. - Noor Artificiel


[Day 5] Want to get more traffic? Start thinking like your audience.

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 [Day 5] Want to get more traffic? Start thinking like your audience.

[Day 5] Want to get more traffic? Start thinking like your audience.

Put yourself in your audience's shoes to increase your traffic 

The most successful websites all offer a very good user experience. Discover the keys to their success.

Make a good impression 

To be successful, it is not enough to create quality content. You also need to provide your users with an unparalleled experience. 

This will not only set you apart from your competitors, but also boost your potential AdSense earnings.

Measure the performance of your site

1-  View your performance report in 

Search Console

Monitor your site's performance in Google Search and make improvements with insights

Learn more about the performance report

2-  Audit your site with



Identify and fix common issues that affect your site's performance, accessibility, and user experience.

Carry out an audit

3-  Track the performance of your content


Google Analytics shows how users interact with your site. 

So you can troubleshoot any issues and make some adjustments. 

Link your Analytics account to your AdSense account

Optimize your site for mobile


1. Do you use Responsive Web Design? 

Most users access your site through a mobile device. 

If navigation on your site is hazardous and not very mobile-friendly, it is likely that your visitors will turn to the competition. 

2. Measure the speed of your site 

53% of users leave sites that take more than three seconds to load on their mobile device. 

View industry benchmarks. 

a. Measure the speed of your mobile pages and learn tips to speed up your site. 

b. Find out how the AMP format can help you design a user-friendly website that loads quickly on all devices. 

3. Prepare your site for mobile-oriented indexing Follow these best practices to optimize the experience offered to your users on your site. 

4. What do mobile users think of your site? Find out if your site meets our 25 best practices for designing a mobile site.

Pro Tip: 

To increase your long-term revenue, keep your audience engaged. 

• Publish unique content that genuinely interests your users. 

• Opt for easy-to-use content. 

• Don't just create web pages: design user journeys. 

• Target the right audiences with your content.

Summary of day 5 

Use our tools to benchmark your site's performance against industry analytics. 

Then modify your site to optimize its performance and measure its evolution. 

User experience guidelines 

Guide to creating quality content 

4 tips to improve your site and increase your AdSense income Congratulation. 

You have completed the AdSense onboarding series. 

You will soon receive more emails from us with information about your rewards.


